Jul 17, 2024

Changelog July

Improved: Sidebar Redesign and Optimization

We've given our sidebar a makeover to enhance usability and performance. Key improvements include:

  • Refined font styling and consistent sizing across all elements

  • Added bullet point separators for better visual organization

  • Kept user avatar and email at the top right for quick account confirmation

  • Fixed issues with the "Sign out" button functionality

  • Refactored the underlying code for better optimization and easier future updates

  • Prepared for the addition of a feedback widget (coming soon!)

This update not only improves the look and feel of the sidebar but also sets the foundation for smoother performance and future enhancements.

New: Mouse Reply to Comment Function

We've added a new mouse-over reply function to streamline your commenting experience. Now, when you hover over a comment, a reply icon appears, allowing you to quickly respond without using keyboard shortcuts. This feature, inspired by high-performance email clients, aims to speed up communication within tasks and make collaboration more intuitive for all users. Coming soon: similar mouse-over actions for editing comments.

Enhanced: Mobile Comment Editing with Double Tap

We've improved the mobile experience by introducing a double-tap feature for editing comments. Now, users can easily edit their comments by double-tapping on mobile devices. This update includes inline editing for a seamless experience, auto-scrolling to keep the edited comment in view, and a new 'Cancel' option to exit edit mode without losing progress. While we're still fine-tuning some aspects like the visibility of the bottom text entry element, this feature significantly enhances the mobile collaboration experience in Hypertasks.

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