Jul 27, 2024

The Ultimate Free Online Kanban Tool for Project Management

Hypertasks: The Ultimate Free Online Kanban Tool for Streamlined Project Management

In today's fast paced work environment finding the right project management tool can make all the difference for your team's productivity and success. If you're looking for a "kanban tool free online" look no further than Hypertasks. This powerful AI enhanced platform has a free tier that brings advanced project management to teams of all sizes without breaking the bank.

Why Kanban?

Before we get into what makes Hypertasks stand out let's quickly go over why Kanban is such a popular method for project management:

  1. Visual workflow management

  2. Team collaboration

  3. Productivity and efficiency

  4. Task prioritization

  5. Flexibility in project planning

Now let's see how Hypertasks delivers these and more in its free online Kanban tool.

Hypertasks Free Tier: More than Just Another Kanban Board

Many online Kanban tools offer free versions but Hypertasks goes above and beyond with its free tier. Here's what you get for free:

1. Unlimited Team Members

Unlike many free tools that limit the number of users, Hypertasks has unlimited members in its free tier. Your entire team can collaborate without worrying about user limits or upgrade costs.

2. Storage

10 MB file upload and 150 MB storage per month so you can share important files and documents within your projects.

3. Tasks

250 issues per board so you can manage complex projects with multiple tasks and subtasks.

4. Keyboard Navigation

Hypertasks is keyboard first so you can navigate and manage tasks super fast. This is a unique feature not found in many free online Kanban tools and usually only in premium products.

5. Inbox

Hypertasks has an inbox built directly into your Kanban workflow to tackle the communication challenges of project management. This feature helps you achieve "Inbox Zero" in your project communications so your team is aligned and informed.

6. Auto-Splits for Easy Organization

The Auto-Splits feature automatically categorizes your inbox messages so you don't have to sort manually. This is a rare feature in free Kanban tools.

The Hypertasks Method

Hypertasks introduces the concept of "Kanban Zero" inspired by the popular "Inbox Zero" email management technique. This means:

  1. Regular board cleanup with easy archiving (Ctrl+E or Cmd+E)

  2. Lean and focused project boards

  3. Prioritize achievable tasks for better productivity

By using this method teams can stay clear and focused even when project scope and priorities change.

AI powered project management

While the AI features are in the paid tiers, it's worth noting that Hypertasks is built with AI integration in mind. As your team grows and your needs evolve you can upgrade seamlessly to get AI assisted editing and AI generated task summaries and more.

Try Hypertasks

Ready to try this free online Kanban tool? Here's how:

  1. Go to hypertasks.ai

  2. Click "Get Hypertasks free"

  3. Create your account and set up your first board

  4. Invite your team members (unlimited!)

  5. Start managing your projects now


In the free online Kanban tools space Hypertasks stands out with its free tier, features and approach to project management. With unlimited team collaboration, keyboard navigation and Auto-Splits Hypertasks is a free Kanban tool that can really change your team's productivity.

Small business, growing business or just personal projects, Hypertasks free has got you covered. Try Hypertasks now - your new free online Kanban tool.

Learn more about Hypertasks' keyboard shortcuts

Discover how to achieve Inbox Zero with Hypertasks

Explore Hypertasks' Auto-Splits feature

Master task filtering in Hypertasks

Understand the power of Kanban boards

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.