Jul 29, 2024

Kanban Workflow Optimization with Hypertasks

In today’s world we need to optimise our workflow to stay productive and ahead of the game. Enter Hypertasks - the new project management tool that simplifies your workflow and boosts efficiency. Let’s dive in and see how Hypertasks can transform your workflow and take your productivity to the next level.

The Hypertasks Advantage: A New Way of Workflow

Hypertasks isn’t just another project management tool. It’s a whole new way of thinking about tasks, communication and project organisation. Here’s how Hypertasks is different:

1. Kanban Zero

At the heart of Hypertasks is the concept of “Kanban Zero” - a state where your board is lean, organised and focused on doable tasks. This means:

  • Regular cleaning and organisation of your tasks

  • Focus on current, actionable items

  • Reduced cognitive load and clarity

To achieve Kanban Zero Hypertasks has an archive function. With a single keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+E on Windows or Cmd+E on Mac) you can archive completed or deprioritised tasks and keep your board clean and relevant.

2. Keyboard First Navigation for Super Fast Workflow

Hypertasks is keyboard first, so you can navigate and manage tasks without ever touching your mouse. This approach has several benefits:

  • Faster task management

  • More focus and less distraction

  • More efficient complex actions

Some key shortcuts to supercharge your workflow:

  • 'J' and 'K' to move tasks

  • 'CTRL + K' to open Hypertasks Command Centre (HTC)

  • '/' for global search

  • 'SHIFT + F' for advanced filtering

3. AI

Hypertasks uses AI:

  • AI editing: Access AI functions through the forward slash (/) menu in the comment editor

  • AI summaries: Get the gist of complex tasks or discussions

4. Project Management is Communication

Hypertasks has an inbox designed for project communication:

  • One place for all project related conversations

  • Auto-Splits for easy message categorisation

  • Contextual conversations tied to tasks or projects

Now that we've seen the features, let's get into how to use Hypertasks:

1. Hypertasks Method

Use the Hypertasks Method to keep your projects lean and focused:

  • Archive completed or irrelevant tasks (Ctrl+E or Cmd+E)

  • Smaller, more focused Kanban boards

  • Kanban Zero at the end of each day or week

Learn more about the Hypertasks Method for effortless project management.

2. Keyboard Shortcuts

  • 'C' or 'SHIFT + C' to create new tasks

  • 'J' and 'K' to move between tasks

  • 'SHIFT + J/K' or arrow keys to move tasks up and down

  • 'P' to set priority, 'S' to set size, 'T' to add tags

Check out our complete guide to Hypertasks keyboard shortcuts for more efficiency tips.

3. Auto-Splits for Communication Efficiency

Use Auto-Splits to organise your inbox:

  • 'Important' split for critical messages

  • 'Tab' to switch between splits

  • Process each split methodically, 'E' to archive messages

Learn how to master Auto-Splits in Hypertasks for better inbox organization.

4. Use AI

Use AI:

  • AI editing for drafting responses or generating ideas

  • AI summaries for complex tasks or discussions

Discover how AI-powered auto-summaries can simplify your tasks.

5. Advanced Filtering for Focus Sessions

Use the advanced filtering (SHIFT + F) to:

  • Focus on high priority tasks

  • Filter by team member, project or date

  • Find and address urgent items

Master the art of filtering tasks in Hypertasks for more effective work sessions.

Supercharge Your Workflow with Hypertasks

By using Hypertasks you're not just using a new tool, you're adopting a new way of working. From the Hypertasks Method to AI and keyboard first navigation, Hypertasks has got you covered for workflow optimisation.

Get started now at hypertasks.ai

Remember, the Hypertasks Method is all about practice. Start with the basics, add more features as you go and soon you'll be managing projects like a pro. Happy workflow!

For more tips and tricks, check out our blog and help center.

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.