Jul 26, 2024

Navigate Kanban Boards at Warp Speed: Keyboard Shortcut Guide

Navigate Kanban Boards in Seconds: Hypertasks Keyboard Shortcut Guide

Hypertasks has keyboard shortcuts to navigate Kanban boards fast. This guide will help you master them and supercharge your productivity.


Learn the Hypertasks keyboard shortcuts to navigate Kanban boards, manage tasks and process your inbox super fast.


Good project management means having info at your fingertips and handling tasks quickly. Hypertasks keyboard shortcuts will save you time so you can focus on your projects not navigation.

Basic Navigation

Start with these:

  • 'G' then 'T': Go to task board

  • 'J' and 'K': Up and down through tasks

  • 'Enter': Open task

Advanced Board Navigation

Take it to the next level:

  • 'CTRL + B': Switch between Kanban boards

  • 'ALT + 1', 'ALT + 2', etc: Go to favorite boards

  • 'TAB': Cycle through board sections

Pro tip: Combine shortcuts for maximum effect. For example 'G' then 'T' then 'ALT + 2' will take you to your second favorite board.

Fast Task Management

Manage tasks with these:

  • 'C': Add new task at top of column

  • 'SHIFT + C': Add task at bottom of column

  • 'SHIFT + J/K' or arrow keys: Move tasks up and down

  • 'SHIFT + H/L' or left/right arrows: Move tasks between columns

Inbox Processing

Navigate the Hypertasks inbox:

  • 'G' then 'I': Go to inbox

  • 'J' and 'K': Up and down through messages

  • 'Enter': Open element

  • 'E': Archive elements from inbox

  • 'H': Snooze messages or set reminders

Quick Filter

Focus on specific parts of your projects:

  • 'SHIFT + F': Open filter options

  • Use arrow keys to navigate filter options

  • 'Enter' to select/deselect filters

AI Shortcuts

Use Hypertasks AI:

  • '/': Open AI menu in tasks and inbox

  • 'I': View AI summaries of tasks and messages


Q: How long to master these? A: Most users feel comfortable within a week with consistent use.

Q: Can I customize these? A: Not yet, but maybe soon.

Q: What if I forget a shortcut? A: Press '?' at any time to open the shortcut cheat sheet.


Now that you've mastered these Hypertasks keyboard shortcuts you'll be navigating Kanban boards and managing tasks super fast. Start with the basics, add more shortcuts and watch your productivity grow.

Ready to change your project management workflow? Start using these shortcuts in Hypertasks now. You're a Kanban keyboard shortcut master in the making!

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© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.