Sep 17, 2024

New Global Task Creation in Hypertasks

We've made significant changes to how you create tasks in Hypertasks. This article explains the new global task creation feature and how it enhances your workflow.

Key Changes to Task Creation

  1. Global Full-Screen Task Creation: The C shortcut now opens a full-screen page for entering a new task, regardless of where you are in Hypertasks. This replaces the previous behavior of creating a task at the top of a Kanban column.

  2. Context-Aware Prefilling: The new interface prefills task properties based on your current position in the Kanban board, including the current column and board. If you're in a filtered view, it will also apply the tags used in the filter.

  3. Expanded Save Options: We've introduced additional save options to give you more flexibility:

    • Save and continue editing

    • Save and close to return to your previous location

    • Save and create a new task

Using the New Task Creation Interface

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • CTRL+ENTER: Save (task remains open)

  • CTRL+ALT+ENTER: Save and Close

  • CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+ENTER: Save and Create New Task

Mouse Users

We've added dedicated buttons for each action:

  • Save

  • Save and Close

  • Save and Create New Task

Benefits of the New Task Creation Process

  1. Consistency: Create tasks from anywhere in Hypertasks with the same interface.

  2. Efficiency: Prefilled properties save time and reduce errors.

  3. Flexibility: Multiple save options allow for rapid task entry or detailed editing as needed.

Adjusting to the New Workflow

If you're used to the old C shortcut for creating tasks within a specific Kanban column, you might need to adjust your workflow slightly. Remember that you can still quickly assign tasks to specific columns using the prefilled properties in the new interface.

The new global task creation feature allows you to create tasks from anywhere in Hypertasks, not just from the Kanban board. This means you can quickly capture ideas or to-dos without navigating to a specific board or column first.

Prefilled Task Properties

The new task creation interface intelligently prefills task properties based on your current context:

  • If you're on a Kanban board, it will prefill the current board and column.

  • If you're in a filtered view, it will apply the tags used in the filter.

This context-aware prefilling helps maintain organization and consistency in your task management.

Save Options Explained

  1. Save (CTRL+ENTER): This option saves your task and keeps the task creation interface open. It's useful when you want to review or continue editing the task.

  2. Save and Close (CTRL+ALT+ENTER): This saves your task and closes the task creation interface, returning you to where you were previously. Use this when you're done with the task and ready to move on.

  3. Save and Create New Task (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+ENTER): This option saves your current task, closes it, and immediately opens a new task creation interface. It's perfect for when you need to create multiple tasks in quick succession.

Tips for Using the New Task Creation Feature

  • Use the C shortcut from anywhere to quickly capture tasks as they come to mind.

  • Take advantage of the prefilled properties to maintain organization across your boards.

  • Experiment with the different save options to find the workflow that suits you best.

For more information on navigating Hypertasks efficiently, check out our Hypertasks Keyboard Shortcuts guide.

We're excited about how this change will streamline your task management process. As always, we welcome your feedback on this new feature. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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