How to Create a Kanban Board in Hypertasks

Creating a new Kanban board in Hypertasks is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps to set up your board and start managing your tasks efficiently.

Steps to Create a Kanban Board

  1. Open the Hypertasks Command Center (HTC)

    • Press Ctrl + K (Windows) or Cmd + K (Mac) to open the HTC

  2. Create a New Board

    • Type "create board" in the HTC

    • Select the "Create new board" option

  3. Name Your Board

    • Enter a name for your new board

    • Press Enter to confirm

  4. Set Up Columns

    • Your new board will have default columns (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done)

    • To add a new column:

      1. Open the HTC (Ctrl + K / Cmd + K)

      2. Type "Add column" or search for "column"

      3. Enter the column name

      4. The new column will be added to the end of your board

    • To manage columns (rename, delete, or reorder), see our article on "Managing Columns in Hypertasks"

  5. Add Tasks

    • Press C to add a new task at the top of a column

    • Press Shift + C to add a task at the bottom of a column

  6. Customize Your Board

    • Use Shift + S to sort tasks

    • Press Shift + F to access filtering options

Keyboard Shortcuts for Board Management

  • Ctrl + B: Switch between boards

  • Alt + 1-9: Quickly switch to favorited boards

Tips for Effective Board Creation

  • Keep your board focused on a specific project or workflow

  • Use clear, descriptive names for your columns

  • Start with essential columns and add more as needed

Remember, you can always access the full list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing ? while on your board.

For more detailed information on using Hypertasks, check out these resources:

Visit our Help Center for more guides and tips on using Hypertasks effectively.

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