How to Create Tasks in Hypertasks

Creating tasks is fundamental to managing your projects in Hypertasks. This guide will walk you through various methods of adding new tasks to your Kanban board efficiently.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Quick Task Creation

  1. Add a Task to the Top of a Column

    • Navigate to the desired column

    • Press C to create a new task at the top

  2. Add a Task to the Bottom of a Column

    • Navigate to the desired column

    • Press Shift + C to create a new task at the bottom

Mouse-Based Task Creation

  1. Using the Column Header

    • Click the plus sign (+) at the top of any column

    • This opens the task creation dialog

  2. Using the Column Footer

    • Hover your mouse below the last task in a column

    • Click the plus sign (+) that appears

Detailed Task Creation Using the Hypertasks Command Center (HTC)

  1. Open the HTC by pressing Ctrl + K (Windows) or Cmd + K (Mac)

  2. Type "Create ticket" and select the option

  3. Choose the board where you want to create the task

  4. Enter the ticket title

  5. The task detail page will open, where you can fill in additional information:

    • Description

    • Assignee

    • Due date

    • Priority

    • Size

    • Tags

Editing Tasks

To edit an existing task:

  1. Select the task

  2. Press Enter or double-click to open the task details

  3. Make your changes

  4. Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac) to save

Task Management Shortcuts

  • A: Assign a task to a team member

  • P: Set task priority

  • S: Set task size

  • T: Add tags to a task

  • Shift + D: Set due date

Best Practices for Task Creation

  • Keep task titles clear and concise

  • Use the description field for additional details

  • Assign tasks to specific team members when possible

  • Set realistic due dates and priorities

Remember, you can always access the full list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing ? while on your board.

For more information on using Hypertasks effectively, check out these related articles:

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