How to Sort Tasks in Hypertasks: Using Shift+S

How to Sort Tasks in Hypertasks: Using Shift+S

Hypertasks offers a straightforward sorting feature to help you organize your tasks efficiently. You can quickly access sorting options using a keyboard shortcut or the sort icon in the header. This guide will walk you through the process of sorting your tasks in Hypertasks using the Hypertasks Command Center (HTC).

Accessing Sort Options

There are two ways to access the sort options in Hypertasks:

  1. Keyboard Shortcut: Press Shift + S

  2. Sort Icon: Click the sort icon located in the header of your Hypertasks interface

Both methods will open the Hypertasks Command Center (HTC) with the sort options.

Available Sorting Options

Hypertasks currently offers two sorting options:

  1. Manual: Allows you to manually arrange tasks by dragging and dropping

  2. Priority: Sorts tasks based on their assigned priority level

How to Sort Your Tasks

  1. Open your desired board in Hypertasks

  2. Press Shift + S or click the sort icon in the header

  3. The HTC will open, displaying the sort options

  4. Use the arrow keys or mouse to select either "Manual" or "Priority"

  5. Press Enter or click to confirm your selection

  6. Your board will automatically update to reflect the chosen sorting option

Understanding the Sorting Options

Manual Sorting

  • Gives you full control over task order

  • Ideal for custom workflows or specific project needs

  • Tasks can be rearranged by dragging and dropping

Priority Sorting

  • Automatically organizes tasks based on their assigned priority

  • Helps focus on high-importance tasks first

  • Useful for quickly identifying critical items

Tips for Effective Sorting

  • Use priority sorting when you need to focus on urgent or important tasks

  • Switch to manual sorting for custom organization or sprint planning

  • Combine sorting with filters (Shift + F) for more precise task management

Keyboard Navigation in HTC

  • Use arrow keys to navigate between Manual and Priority options

  • Press Enter to select a sorting option

  • Press Esc to close the HTC without applying changes

By mastering the Shift+S shortcut and understanding these sorting options in the Hypertasks Command Center, you can quickly reorganize your tasks, streamline your workflow, and boost productivity within Hypertasks.

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