Keyboard Shortcuts for Hypertasks

Hypertasks was built with keyboard shortcuts usage in mind

We go to incredible lengths covering every aspect of daily usage with keyboard shortcuts.

The vision is to not having to use the mouse.

Keyboard shortcuts are essential in Hypertasks for:

  • Speed: Navigate tasks, boards, and communications rapidly

  • Efficiency: Reduce time spent on task management

  • Focus: Achieve a state of flow in your work

  • Performance: Align with our high-performance design philosophy

Master these shortcuts to work faster and smarter in Hypertasks.

Here's a comprehensive list of all available shortcuts:

Most popular

If you're not a born shortcutter, we get it. You can still work like a Hypertasks power user if you remember these few commands:

  • Press CTRL + K to open the Hypertasks Command.

  • Press / to open search.

  • Press C or SHIFT + C to add a task on top of a board.

  • Press ENTER to open a task or activate description/comment.

  • Press ESC to exit (go back).

  • Press CTRL + E to archive a task or comment.

  • Press G then T to go to the task board.

  • Press G then I to go to the inbox.

  • Press P to set task priority.

  • Press S to set task size.

  • Press T to add tags.

  • Press SHIFT + D to set a due date.

  • Press A to assign a user.

Global Shortcuts Navigate through Hypertasks with ease:

  • Press ? to view shortcuts.

  • Press \ to open settings.

  • Press / to search.

  • Press P to set priority.

  • Press S to set task size.

  • Press T to add tags.

  • Press E to remove notification.

  • Press J to move focus down.

  • Press K to move focus up.

  • Press , , , to move focus.

  • Press CTRL + K to open Hypertasks Command.

  • Press ESC to exit (go back).

  • Press CTRL + E to archive task or comment.

  • Press # to delete task.

  • Press G then T to go to task board.

  • Press G then R to go to inbox archives.

  • Press G then H to go to reminders.

  • Press G then # to go to trash.

  • Press G then I to go to inbox.

  • Press G then E to go to archived tasks.

  • Press TAB to cycle focus forward.

  • Press SHIFT + TAB to cycle focus backward.

  • Press ALT + 0-9 to switch boards.

  • Press CTRL + B to switch Kanban boards.

  • Press SHIFT + D to set due date.

Board Shortcuts Manage your tasks efficiently on the board:

  • Press C or SHIFT + C to add task on top.

  • Press ENTER to open task.

  • Press GG to move focus to top/bottom.

  • Press SHIFT + J or to move task down.

  • Press SHIFT + K or to move task up.

  • Press SHIFT + L or to move task right.

  • Press SHIFT + H or to move task left.

  • Press SHIFT + S to sort Kanban board.

  • Press A to assign a user.

Task View Shortcuts Work on individual tasks more effectively:

  • Press ENTER to activate description/comment or reply to comment.

  • Press CTRL + ENTER to save/edit text entry.

  • Press A to assign a user.

  • Press CTRL + M to add a comment.

  • Press ALT + 0-9 to switch boards.

  • Press I to expand summary.

  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + 3 to delete comment.

Formatting Shortcuts Format your text quickly and easily:

  • Press / to open Tiptap menu.

  • Press CTRL + Y to add Video Embed.

  • Press 2xTAB to autocomplete sentence.

  • Press SHIFT + ENTER to add a line break.

  • Press CTRL + I to italicize.

  • Press CTRL + U to underline.

  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + B to quote.

  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + H to highlight.

  • Press CTRL + E to add code.

  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + 8 for bullet list.

  • Press CTRL + Z to undo.

  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + Z to redo.

  • Press CTRL + ALT + 0 to apply normal text style.

  • Press CTRL + ALT + 1-6 to apply heading style 1-6.

Inbox Shortcuts Manage your inbox efficiently:

  • Press E to archive notification.

  • Press ENTER to open task.

  • Press J to move focus down.

  • Press K to move focus up.

  • Press CTRL + E to archive task.

Unarchive View Shortcuts Manage your archived tasks:

  • Press CTRL + E to unarchive task.

  • Press # to delete task.

By mastering these shortcuts, you'll be able to navigate and use Hypertasks more efficiently, saving time and boosting your productivity.

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Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

Get started with Hypertasks today

Get started for free. Add your whole team as you go along.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.

© 2024 Hypertasks Lab Ltd.