Navigation and Editing Mode in Hypertasks Task Detail Page

Navigation and Editing Modes in Hypertasks Task Detail Page

When working with tasks in Hypertasks, understanding the difference between navigation mode and editing mode on the task detail page is crucial for efficient task management. This guide will explain both modes and how to use them effectively.

Navigation Mode

Navigation mode allows you to move around the task detail page, perform quick actions without changing the content, and navigate between tasks.

Entering Navigation Mode

  • When you first open a task, you're in navigation mode by default.

  • If you're in editing mode, press Esc to return to navigation mode.

Key Features of Navigation Mode

  • Use arrow keys to navigate between different sections of the task.

  • Press Enter to activate editing mode for the selected field.

  • Use shortcuts to perform quick actions:

    • A: Assign the task

    • P: Set priority

    • S: Set task size

    • T: Add tags

    • Shift + D: Set due date

    • Ctrl + E (Windows) or Cmd + E (Mac): Archive the task

  • Navigate between tasks:

    • J: Move to the next task

    • K: Move to the previous task

    Note: If you opened the task from the inbox, this will navigate through inbox tasks. If you opened it from a Kanban column, it will navigate through tasks in that column.

Editing Mode

Editing mode allows you to modify the content of the task and access advanced formatting options.

Entering Editing Mode

  • Select a field in navigation mode and press Enter.

  • Double-click on any editable field.

Key Features of Editing Mode

  • Type or modify the content in the selected field.

  • Use Tab to move to the next field.

  • Use Shift + Tab to move to the previous field.

  • Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac) to save changes and return to navigation mode.

  • Press Esc to cancel changes and return to navigation mode.

  • Access the forward slash menu for text formatting options by typing /.

  • Use Tiptap shortcuts for quick formatting (see below).

  • All other keyboard shortcuts are deactivated to allow for uninterrupted typing.

Text Formatting with Tiptap Shortcuts

Hypertasks uses Tiptap for rich text editing. Here's a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts available in editing mode:


  • Copy: Control + C (Windows/Linux), Cmd + C (macOS)

  • Cut: Control + X (Windows/Linux), Cmd + X (macOS)

  • Paste: Control + V (Windows/Linux), Cmd + V (macOS)

  • Paste without formatting: Control + Shift + V (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + V (macOS)

  • Undo: Control + Z (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Z (macOS)

  • Redo: Control + Shift + Z (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + Z (macOS)

  • Add a line break: Shift + Enter / Control + Enter (Windows/Linux), Shift + Enter / Cmd + Enter (macOS)

Text Formatting

  • Bold: Control + B (Windows/Linux), Cmd + B (macOS)

  • Italicize: Control + I (Windows/Linux), Cmd + I (macOS)

  • Underline: Control + U (Windows/Linux), Cmd + U (macOS)

  • Strikethrough: Control + Shift + S (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + S (macOS)

  • Highlight: Control + Shift + H (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + H (macOS)

  • Code: Control + E (Windows/Linux), Cmd + E (macOS)

Paragraph Formatting

  • Apply normal text style: Control + Alt + 0 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 0 (macOS)

  • Apply heading style 1: Control + Alt + 1 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 1 (macOS)

  • Apply heading style 2: Control + Alt + 2 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 2 (macOS)

  • Apply heading style 3: Control + Alt + 3 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 3 (macOS)

  • Apply heading style 4: Control + Alt + 4 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 4 (macOS)

  • Apply heading style 5: Control + Alt + 5 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 5 (macOS)

  • Apply heading style 6: Control + Alt + 6 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + 6 (macOS)

  • Ordered list: Control + Shift + 7 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + 7 (macOS)

  • Bullet list: Control + Shift + 8 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + 8 (macOS)

  • Task list: Control + Shift + 9 (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + 9 (macOS)

  • Blockquote: Control + Shift + B (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + B (macOS)

  • Left align: Control + Shift + L (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + L (macOS)

  • Center align: Control + Shift + E (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + E (macOS)

  • Right align: Control + Shift + R (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + R (macOS)

  • Justify: Control + Shift + J (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Shift + J (macOS)

  • Code block: Control + Alt + C (Windows/Linux), Cmd + Alt + C (macOS)

  • Subscript: Control + , (Windows/Linux), Cmd + , (macOS)

  • Superscript: Control + . (Windows/Linux), Cmd + . (macOS)

Text Selection

  • Select all: Control + A (Windows/Linux), Cmd + A (macOS)

  • Extend selection one character to left: Shift + ←

  • Extend selection one character to right: Shift + →

  • Extend selection one line up: Shift + ↑

  • Extend selection one line down: Shift + ↓

Remember, these shortcuts are active only in editing mode. In navigation mode, different shortcuts apply for task management and navigation.

Switching Between Modes

  • To switch from navigation mode to editing mode: Press Enter on the selected field.

  • To switch from editing mode to navigation mode:

    • Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac) to save changes.

    • Press Esc to cancel changes.

Best Practices

  1. Use navigation mode to quickly review task details and perform quick actions.

  2. Use J and K to efficiently move between tasks without returning to the board view.

  3. In editing mode, use the forward slash menu and Tiptap shortcuts for efficient text formatting.

  4. Remember that regular keyboard shortcuts are disabled in editing mode to allow for uninterrupted typing.

  5. Always save your changes before exiting editing mode.

Remember, you can always access the full list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing ? while on your board or task detail page.

For more information on using Hypertasks effectively, check out these related articles:

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