Replying to and Quoting Comments in Hypertasks

Hypertasks offers efficient ways to reply to comments and quote specific parts of messages, enhancing communication within your tasks. This guide covers how to use these features effectively.

Replying to Comments

Using Keyboard:

  1. Navigate to the comment using the Tab key or arrow keys.

  2. Press Enter to focus on the comment box at the bottom of the page.

  3. Type your response in the comment box.

  4. Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac) to post your reply.

Using Mouse:

  1. Scroll to the comment box at the bottom of the page.

  2. Click in the comment box to focus.

  3. Type your response in the comment box.

  4. Click the "Save" button to submit your reply.

For more information on keyboard navigation, see our guide on Navigation and Editing Mode in Hypertasks Task Detail Page.

Quoting Comments

Quoting comments requires a combination of mouse and keyboard actions:

  1. Navigate to the comment using the Tab key, arrow keys, or mouse.

  2. Use your mouse to highlight the specific part of the comment you want to quote.

  3. Press Enter on your keyboard.

  4. The highlighted text will appear quoted in the comment box at the bottom of the page.

  5. Add your response below the quoted text.

  6. Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac), or click the "Save" button to post your comment.

Note: There is no way to quote comments using only the keyboard or only the mouse. The process always requires both.

Editing Quoted Text

You can edit the quoted text if needed:

  1. Place your cursor in the quoted section of the comment box.

  2. Make your changes as necessary.

  3. The quoted text will remain in the quote format, distinguishing it from your response.

For more details on editing comments, see our guide on How to Edit Comments in Hypertasks.

Tips for Effective Communication

  • Use replies to maintain the context of conversations within tasks.

  • Quote specific parts of comments to address particular points in a discussion.

  • Keep quotes concise to maintain focus in your responses.

  • You can quote multiple parts of comments in a single response by repeating the quoting process.

  • Practice using the combination of mouse selection and keyboard commands for efficient quoting.

  • Utilize the Forward Slash Menu for additional formatting options in your comments.

Remember, you can always access the full list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing ? while on your board or task detail page.

Related Hypertasks Features

For more information on using Hypertasks effectively, explore our Help Center for additional guides and tips on boosting your productivity with Hypertasks.

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