Using Auto-Splits in Hypertasks

Auto-Splits is a feature in Hypertasks that automatically organizes your inbox messages into different categories. This guide will explain what Auto-Splits are, how they work, and how to use them effectively.

What are Auto-Splits?

Auto-Splits are automatically created categories in your Hypertasks inbox that sort your messages based on certain criteria. There are two main types of Auto-Splits:

  1. Project-specific Auto-Splits

  2. Global Auto-Splits

Types of Auto-Splits

Project-specific Auto-Splits

For each project or board you have in Hypertasks, an automatic split is created. These splits contain messages related to their respective projects.

Global Auto-Splits

There are four global Auto-Splits that apply across all projects:

  1. Updates: Shows tickets that have been moved to other columns.

  2. Reactions: Displays comments that have received emoji reactions.

  3. Important: Lists all direct comments.

  4. All: Shows all messages in your inbox.

How Auto-Splits Work

Auto-Splits appear and disappear dynamically based on the presence of relevant messages. If there are no messages that fit a particular split's criteria, that split will not be visible in your inbox.

Navigating Auto-Splits

To navigate through Auto-Splits:

  • Press 'Tab' to move forward through the splits.

  • Press 'Shift + Tab' to move backward through the splits.

  • Use 'J' and 'K' to move up and down within a split.

  • Press 'Enter' to open a message.

  • Press 'E' to archive a message.

Using Auto-Splits Effectively

  1. Start with Important: Begin by checking the 'Important' split for direct comments that may need immediate attention.

  2. Check Updates: Review the 'Updates' split to see task movements across all projects.

  3. Review Reactions: Look at the 'Reactions' split to see which comments have resonated with your team.

  4. Address Project-Specific Splits: Go through each project-specific split based on your current priorities.

  5. Finish with All: Scan the 'All' split to ensure you haven't missed any messages.

Tips for Using Auto-Splits

  • Process your inbox regularly to prevent message buildup.

  • Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate quickly between and within splits.

  • Remember that splits only appear when they contain messages. If you don't see a split, it means there are no relevant messages at that time.

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