Jul 25, 2024

Automatic Inbox Clarity: How Hypertasks' Auto-Splits Organize Your Work

In project management an organized inbox is key to productivity and team communication. At Hypertasks we have a feature to help with that: Auto-Splits. Today we're going to give you the full lowdown on this feature and some recent updates that will take your inbox management to the next level.

What are Auto-Splits?

Auto-Splits are smart categories that automatically categorise your incoming notifications and messages. They work behind the scenes to sort your communications into neat, easy to navigate sections.

Types of Auto-Splits in Hypertasks

1. Project-Specific Auto-Splits

For each project or board you have in Hypertasks an auto-split is created. This allows you to quickly access and manage communications related to specific projects, keeping your workflow organised and contextual.

2. Global Auto-Splits

In addition to project specific splits we have four global splits to further help you with your inbox:

  • Important: Shows all direct comments, so you never miss important communications.

  • Updates: Shows you all tickets that have been moved to other columns, so you can track task progress across all projects.

  • Reactions: Shows comments that have received emoji reactions, so you can quickly see popular ideas or concerns.

  • All: Shows all messages in your inbox.

Why Auto-Splits Matter

Auto-Splits change the way you manage your project communications by:

  1. Reducing Cognitive Load: No more manual sorting of messages. Auto-Splits do the work for you.

  2. Focusing: Tackle each category of messages when you're in the right mindset.

  3. Prioritising: Quickly see and address important communications.

  4. Workflow: Track project progress and team interactions without digging through your inbox.

  5. Saving time: Spend less time organising and more time on actual project work.

Using Auto-Splits

Using Auto-Splits is easy:

  • Tab to cycle forward through splits.

  • Shift + Tab to cycle backward.

  • J and K to move up and down through messages in each split.

  • E to archive a message from any split.

Getting the most out of Auto-Splits

To get the most out of Auto-Splits try this workflow:

  1. Start with the Important split to tackle important communications.

  2. Move to Updates to see task movement across all projects.

  3. Check Reactions to see team sentiment and popular ideas.

  4. Review project specific splits based on your current priorities.

  5. Finally, scan the All split to make sure you haven't missed anything.

Auto-Splits and Inbox Zero

With Auto-Splits you can finally get to Inbox Zero. By breaking your messages into manageable chunks Auto-Splits make it easy to process your inbox and have a clear view of your project communications.

Next up

At Hypertasks we're always working to improve your project management experience. We're looking into ways to make Auto-Splits even more powerful, including customisation and more intelligent sorting. Watch this space!

Get started

Auto-Splits in Hypertasks make managing your project inbox easy. Now get started and take your project communication to the next level. 😉

For more tips on using Hypertasks effectively, check out our guides on keyboard shortcuts and filtering tasks.

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